ESP Players: Survivors Enabled, Health State, Name, Aura, Skeleton, Distance, Custom Color Players: Killer Enabled, Name, Aura, Skeleton, Distance, Custom Color Objects: Generator, Window, Pallet, Totem, Trap, Hatch, Escape Door, Searchable, Locker, Meat Hook, Breakable, Cenobite Box, Collectable Name for every object Aura for every object Distance for every object Custom Color for every object Misc: Main Action Speed - custom speed for jumping through windows, pallets, searching lockers & etc., Dash - very fast speedhack, FOV - change your FOV, Lightings - change sky and light Misc: Survivor No interruptable - killer cannot drag you away when you are repairing a generator, breaking a totem, searching a chest or opening a gate, Useful Modifiers - you see the tracks you leave when running and you don’t get tired after falling, Run With Flashlight - you can running with flashlight Misc: Killer Infinite Attack Lunge, No Attack Cooldown, Pyramidhead Trail - traces of the executioner all over map, Immune to Blindness, Aimbot, Instant Hatches, Magic Bullet - you can throw huntress axes and trickster knives anywhere and they will always land on a survivor! Misc: Unlocker, Freecam, Skillchecks Unlock All Skins & DLCs, Unlock all Items, Perks, Addons, Set custom Prestige Level Auto Skillcheck with modes: Great, Good or Random, Wiggle Skillcheck and Freecamera to fly all over the map Info Show Killer Name, Platform, Character Show Killer Perks & Addons Open Killer Steam profile Settings Show Keybinds Save Config Load Config